IELTS Writing task 2: Schools concentrate too much on conventional subjects

IELTS Writing task 2: Schools concentrate too much on conventional subjects

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.
Write about the following topic:
Schools concentrate far too much on traditional subject which do not adequately prepare students for the realistic demands of modern working world. 
To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant example from your own knowledge or experience.
Write at least 250 words.

Sample Answer

As the world advances, invents and creates, establishes and inaugurates, and just generally progresses, the school system stays unchanged, outdated and sadly irrelevant as well as oblivious to the changes happening outside of it.
Students can always be found complaining about the education system. They not only find  it dull but also uninspiring and outdated. And I believe the students do have a point. Looking at the education system as a ladder into the corporate world, most people including me would feel that the education system has failed its basic aim- to prepare children for adulthood and its challenges.
By teaching academics, and putting pressure on tests, the child is ill prepared for the physical tasks awaiting them. Most tasks in the world require action. Only theoretical knowledge is not sufficient, one should know how to apply it practically. Unfortunately, schools put a lot of emphasis on bookish knowledge.
Traditional Subjects like History or Geography are taught in a set pattern with innumerable dates locations and patterns, instead of teaching lessons it becomes memorization, simple mug up. Rather than teaching the value of land, children are taught as to who owned the land and when. I do understand the need to pass on our story from generation to generation but there is no point in forcing the information to become plain statistics and data. That is what computers are for.
My belief is the dire need for morals, soft skills, handling of stress and challenges should not be ignored by schools. Leaving these most essential traits for students to learn themselves makes the education system highly ineffective. Children should get a feel of the challenges of the contemporary world in their formative years.
To sum up, students should get a wide array of choices ranging from handicraft to computer engineering. There should be no limit on how many things a student can attempt in their own time. Getting qualifications in all the subjects should also not be mandatory. Let us give ourselves some freedom, in this world we came to live life not to stress over it.


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IELTS Reading Sample Questions # Doubt on Science

You should spend about 20 minutes on the Questions 1-10 which are based on the reading passage, 1 below.


[Para 1]

We live in an age when all manner of scientific knowledge—from the safety of fluoride and vaccines to the reality of climate change—faces organized and often furious opposition. Empowered by their own sources of information and their own interpretations of research, doubters have declared war on the consensus of experts. There are so many of these controversies these days, you’d think a diabolical agency had put something in the water to make people argumentative. And there’s so much talk about the trend these days—in books, articles, and academic conferences—that science doubt itself has become a pop-culture meme. In the recent movie Interstellar, set in a futuristic, downtrodden America where NASA has been forced into hiding, school textbooks say the Apollo moon landings were faked. In a sense, all this is not surprising. Our lives are permeated by science and technology as never before. For many of us, this new world is wondrous, comfortable, and rich in rewards—but also more complicated and sometimes unnerving. We now face risks we can’t easily analyze.

[Para 2]

We’re asked to accept, for example, that it’s safe to eat food containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) because, the experts point out, there’s no evidence that it isn’t and no reason to believe that altering genes precisely in a lab is more dangerous than altering them wholesale through traditional breeding. But to some people the very idea of transferring genes between species conjures up mad scientists running amok—and so, two centuries after Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, they talk about Frankenfood.

[Para 3]

The world crackles with real and imaginary hazards, and distinguishing the former from the latter isn’t easy. Should we be afraid that the Ebola virus, which is spread only by direct contact with bodily fluids, will mutate into an airborne superplague? The scientific consensus says that’s extremely unlikely: No virus has ever been observed to completely change its mode of transmission in humans, and there’s zero evidence that the latest strain of Ebola is any different. But type “airborne Ebola” into an Internet search engine, and you’ll enter a dystopia where this virus has almost supernatural powers, including the power to kill us all.

[Para 4]

In this bewildering world we have to decide what to believe and how to act on that. In principle that’s what science is for. “Science is not a body of facts,” says geophysicist Marcia McNutt, who once headed the U.S. Geological Survey and is now editor of Science, the prestigious journal. “Science is a method for deciding whether what we choose to believe has a basis in the laws of nature or not.” But that method doesn’t come naturally to most of us. And so we run into trouble, again and again.

[Para 5]

The trouble goes way back, of course. The scientific method leads us to truths that are less than self-evident, often mind-blowing, and sometimes hard to swallow. In the early 17th century, when Galileo claimed that the Earth spins on its axis and orbits the sun, he wasn’t just rejecting church doctrine. He was asking people to believe something that defied common sense—because it sure looks like the sun’s going around the Earth, and you can’t feel the Earth spinning. Galileo was put on trial and forced to recant. Two centuries later Charles Darwin escaped that fate. But his idea that all life on Earth evolved from a primordial ancestor and that we humans are distant cousins of apes, whales, and even deep-sea mollusks is still a big ask for a lot of people. So is another 19th-century notion: that carbon dioxide, an invisible gas that we all exhale all the time and that makes up less than a tenth of one percent of the atmosphere, could be affecting Earth’s climate.

[Para 6 ]

Even when we intellectually accept these precepts of science, we subconsciously cling to our intuitions—what researchers call our naive beliefs. A recent study by Andrew Shtulman of Occidental College showed that even students with an advanced science education had a hitch in their mental gait when asked to affirm or deny that humans are descended from sea animals or that Earth goes around the sun. Both truths are counterintuitive. The students, even those who correctly marked “true,” were slower to answer those questions than questions about whether humans are descended from tree-dwelling creatures (also true but easier to grasp) or whether the moon goes around the Earth (also true but intuitive). Shtulman’s research indicates that as we become scientifically literate, we repress our naive beliefs but never eliminate them entirely. They lurk in our brains, chirping at us as we try to make sense of the world.

[Para 7 ]

Most of us do that by relying on personal experience and anecdotes, on stories rather than statistics. We might get a prostate-specific antigen test, even though it’s no longer generally recommended, because it caught a close friend’s cancer—and we pay less attention to statistical evidence, painstakingly compiled through multiple studies, showing that the test rarely saves lives but triggers many unnecessary surgeries. Or we hear about a cluster of cancer cases in a town with a hazardous waste dump, and we assume pollution caused the cancers. Yet just because two things happened together doesn’t mean one caused the other, and just because events are clustered doesn’t mean they’re not still random.

[Para 8]

We have trouble digesting randomness; our brains crave pattern and meaning. Science warns us, however, that we can deceive ourselves. To be confident there’s a causal connection between the dump and the cancers, you need statistical analysis showing that there are many more cancers than would be expected randomly, evidence that the victims were exposed to chemicals from the dump, and evidence that the chemicals really can cause cancer.

[Para 9]

Even for scientists, the scientific method is a hard discipline. Like the rest of us, they’re vulnerable to what they call confirmation bias—the tendency to look for and see only evidence that confirms what they already believe. But unlike the rest of us, they submit their ideas to formal peer review before publishing them. Once their results are published, if they’re important enough, other scientists will try to reproduce them—and, being congenitally skeptical and competitive, will be very happy to announce that they don’t hold up. Scientific results are always provisional, susceptible to being overturned by some future experiment or observation. Scientists rarely proclaim an absolute truth or absolute certainty. Uncertainty is inevitable at the frontiers of knowledge.

[Para 10]

Sometimes scientists fall short of the ideals of the scientific method. Especially in biomedical research, there’s a disturbing trend toward results that can’t be reproduced outside the lab that found them, a trend that has prompted a push for greater transparency about how experiments are conducted. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, worries about the “secret sauce”—specialized procedures, customized software, quirky ingredients—that researchers don’t share with their colleagues. But he still has faith in the larger enterprise.

Questions 1-7

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the reading passage 1?

In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write

TRUE                                   if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE                                 if the statement disagrees with the information

NOT GIVEN                        if there is no information on it.

  1. Mary Shelly wrote Frankenstiene.
  2. Ebola virus is likely to change its mode of transmission and will become an air borne disease.
  3. As per Charles Darwin, humans are ancestors of whales and other deep-sea mollusks. Humans tend to stick to their belief even though the scientific facts are known to them.
  4. With knowledge base increasing rapidly, there is more doubt on the facts presented by science than ever before.
  5. The absolute truth lies in the words of the scientists.
Questions 8-13

Choose the correct letter,A,B,C,D.

Write the correct letter in boxes 8-13 of your answer sheet.

8. Marcia McNutt, the once head of US, Geological survey is now associated with the __________ magazine.


B. Nat Geo

C. Time

                      D. The New York Times

9. In which of the following movie, it was depicted that NASA has been forced into hiding and Apollo moon landings were faked.

A. The Interstellar

                     B. Inception

C. Eat, Pray, Love

D. Life, as we know it.

10. “Earth spins on its axis and orbits the sun”. The statement was given by which of the following scientist. 

A. Charles Darwin

B. Galileo

C.  Marcia McNutt

D. Albert Einstein


When solving the reading passage, it is best to skim through the passage and make notes along with the passage. You can even underline the important points as you read along the passage.

  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. Not Given
  6. False
  7. A
  8. A
  9. B

IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

IELTS Speaking Part 3 questions related to other cultures

The examiner can ask some questions about other cultures if your cue card was related to cultural differences or foreign countries. Let’s look at some possible questions which may be asked in part 3 of the speaking test.

Other cultures

Q. 1: How important it is to learn about other people’s cultures?

Answer: Learning about other people’s cultures is very important in today’s globalized world. Cultural knowledge is required everywhere, be it business or travel or work. If we are familiar with the culture of a place, we can understand people better. This will make our work and life easier in a new place.

Q. 2: What difficulties can people living in a foreign country experience?

Answer A: In my view, the biggest problem which [simple_tooltip content=’Someone who does not live in their own country’]expats[/simple_tooltip] face is understanding the local language and culture. Loneliness, finding schools for their children, not getting the food of their choice and the weather are some other common difficulties which people experience in a new country.

Answer B: I believe the most significant difficulties about living in a foreign country would have to do with understanding cultural norms and unspoken rules, especially during social interactions. Misunderstandings can be common phenomena. Generally fitting in as well as feeling like you belong would be another big challenges.

Q. 3: What benefits can there be for people working in a foreign country?

Answer: Working in a foreign country offers both personal and economic benefits to people. At a personal level, they can enjoy a higher standard of living. Their knowledge about cultural differences and languages also develops. Professionally, the work environment gives them greater exposure which improves their professional skills. More importantly, international work experience which people gain is highly valued by employers.

A global culture

Q. 4: Do you believe in [simple_tooltip content=’a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,especially an idea that is wrong’]stereotypes[/simple_tooltip] about different nationalities?

Answer: It’s is a difficult question. In my view, the nationality and character of a person are two different things. Stereotypes about different nationalities are just based on people’s observations. They may or may not be accurate. I think that stereotypes don’t reflect reality. So, I don’t believe in them.

Q. 5: Are you in favour of adopting a universal language?

Answer: Certainly, adopting a global language would make our life easier. But, languages and cultures are inextricably [simple_tooltip content=’twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate’]intertwined[/simple_tooltip]. So, if we choose to have a common language, the cultural diversity will disappear. The loss will be irreparable. I don’t think it’s a wise idea to adopt a universal language.

Q. 6: What negative effects might come from a country losing its traditional cultures?

Answer: The loss of traditional cultures can affect a country in many ways. If there are businesses based on traditional skills, cultural loss can affect the economy of a country. Since traditional cultures represent a country, major changes in cultures can have an impact on tourism in that country.

Meanings of high level words

expat: someone who does not live in their own country

intertwined: twisted together or closely connected so as to be difficult to separate
Stereotype: a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like,especially an idea that is wrong

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SoP for diploma in Computer Engineering Technician

Please find Statement of Purpose (SoP) for diploma in Computer Engineering Technician sample. Don’t download it as it is. This sample is only for guidance. You can contact IELTSBand7 to get SoP especially written for your need.

In today’s Digital Age, computers have gone global and they have infiltrated every aspect of our lives. I believe, understanding different dimensions of computing is a necessary skill set for an educated person in the 21st century. However, there are only a few nations and institutions which provide and support the innovative side of technological studies. Undoubtedly, Canada is one of them. Canadian universities are internationally recognised for their high academic standards and emphasis on research in tertiary education.
I am an Indian student and I have completed my secondary school. I aim to pursue an under-graduate technician diploma program in Computer Engineering from Sheridan college, Ontario, Canada.
. write 500 more words ……

This Statement of Purpose (SoP) for diploma in Computer Engineering Technician sample. Don’t download it as it is. This sample is only for guidance. You can contact IELTSBand7 to get SoP especially written for your need.


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