IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Brain Tranining

IELTS Listening Sample Questions: Brain Tranining

The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes Learning English.

You can download the audio from the below link –


Sample Questions about Brain Training

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What is the ability of speaking two languages equally well called?
  2. What are the ways in which you learn to increase your memory or intelligence called?
  3. How many neurons or nerve cells are there in a typical human brain?
  4. What is the illness that occurs when blood flowing to a certain area of the brain is cut off?
  5. What are the mental skills involved with doing things like problem solving and planning called?
  6. What is the synonym of changes?
  7. What is the synonym of prevent?
  8. Which food is said to improve the cognitive performance of your brain?
  9. What is the synonym of enhance?
  10. What is the the idea of building up extra abilities to protect the brain against declining memory or thinking called?
  11. Which word is used to define something that makes your more active?


  1. Bilingualism
  2. Brain training
  3. 86 billion
  4. stroke
  5. executive functions
  6. switches
  7. resist
  8. chocolate
  9. improve
  10. cognitive reserve
  11. stimulates

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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Cue Card Sample Answer # Photograph

Photograph is that one thing that we all go back again and again and remember the times when we the photograph was clicked. With smart phones becoming part of our lives, photographs have come more alive into our lives. Let us today have a look at a cue card that talks about a photograph that you love of yourself.

Describe a photo of yourself that you like

  • when the photo was taken
  • how this photograph was taken
  • where the photo was taken
  • who took the photo

and explain why the photo was taken or why you think it is a good photo

You should say:


With smart phones, it is very difficult not to click selfies but I think the one photo that I really love of myself is not from a smart phone but a simple digital camera. It was the first year of my bachelors and I went to Shahastradhara along with my friends for celebrating a birthday.

The place was amazing and after having fun in the water we all started clicking photographs. There were some in which we all were there and then few in which we all stood alone. Out of them, there was this photo where I am smiling and have got hat on my head and the hair are perfectly falling. There is no make up and it is just simply true me and I love it. The photo has something about it, may be the positivity, the innocence or the happiness that I had during that period of life, it leaves me feeling awed about myself.

The photo was taken by my friend and she randomly clicked it without much fuss. In the background of the photograph is plain water and just strikes for nothing particular yet in combination just feels right.

There have been so many photos that I have clicked and with smart phones it just gets so much more fun to click a photo. Although, there have been so many photos but I think the one photo that I really love of myself is the one where I am sitting beside my mother. So, we were in a wedding and every one was talking but then me and my mother were having an argument, the silly arguments that a daughter has with her mother.

And in the end of the argument, I was looking at my mother with a lovely smile, while my mother was frowning. It still is a mystery to all of us as to who actually clicked the photo and when, but this is the photo that I really love. Me and my mother in a single frame, perfectly depicting the sweet and salty relationship that I share with my mother.

There is certainly no specific reason why the photo was clicked. It was like the weeding day and everyone was just randomly clicking photos, this photo is one of the random photos that clicked on the wedding days yet remains to be the most special photo that I have from the wedding.


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IELTS Listening Sample Question # Old Tech

The audio (old tech) has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English.


You can download the audio from the following –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Which word refers to going back to style and fashion from past?
  2. What plastic is used to make records?
  3. What are the plastic cases with audio tape on reels inside them called?
  4. What is the one word for a new rise?
  5. How many records were sold in the UK in 2014?
  6. Which word describes thinking about past with a mixture of warm feelings and sadness?
  7. How does Jacqueline Springer refers to the cassette tapes?
  8. What is the plastic computer disk used for storing data called?


  1. retro
  2. Vinyl
  3. cassette tapes
  4. resurgence
  5. 1 million
  6. nostalgia
  7. audio love letters
  8. Floppy disk


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IELTS Dehradun Uttarakhand Tel: 8439000086 , 8439000087

IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Three Parent Baby


The audio has been taken from BBC 6 minutes English. It talks about the concept of three parent baby.

You can download the audio from the below link –


Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. The What is the chemical structure that defines somebody’s characteristics called? DNA
  2. Which word describes the situation in which something does not works?
  3. What is the science of how living creatures pass their characteristics to their offspring called?
  4. Which animal do the humans have their DNA similar to?
  5. The speaker speaks about the similarity between the DNA of humans and bananas. How much are they similar?
  6. The speaker uses a word to describe the technique never used in the past? Which phrase is it?
  7. What are the structures that work like energy factories in our cells called?
  8. What are the babies whose characteristics like height, sex, hair and eye color are created in order called?
  9. The speaker uses an expression to express that something is amazing. What is it?


  1. DNA
  2. faulty
  3. Genetics
  4. monkeys
  5. 50%
  6. pioneering
  7. mitochondria
  8. designer babies
  9. mind-boggling


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