IELTS Cue Card Latest Questions # Communication

We learn so much more from people around then we ever learn from anything. So, its easy to say that communication is the best teacher. Most often we read books and assume that we have understood a concept but often until we have experienced it, we do not understand its importance. This time we are looking at a cue card that talks about advice. Advise is something we often receive but how often do we love those advise. Let us look at a cue card that talks about an advice that you loved receiving.

Describe a piece of advise that you recently received. 

You should say :

  • when this happened
  • who gave you the advice
  • what the advice was

and explain how you felt about the advice

  • during lunch.
  • a friend of mine
  • behave with others the way you want them to behave with you. everything reciprocates in life
  • wished i got the advice before in life. Could have saved a few relationships

My life has been filled with advise. Some which I took, some I discarded whole heartedly. But, I think the best of the advice that I have ever got have always been at random places talking about things completely different. Most recently, at my office, we were sitting at the lunch area and were talking randomly about crushes and old loves. So, everyone was telling their stupid first love stories and I remember telling mine. How I avoided someone and the stupid innocent things we do.

Sitting across me was a friend of mine and she said, you know, one should never expect anything from any one. You should rather do with the other person what you expect from them. So, if you expect love from someone give them love. If you expect friendship from someone, you need to give that to the other person. I really loved the advice because it made me realise that we often worry about what we don’t have or what we have not got. But, it is always about giving to the other person.

The more you give the better it is.



IELTS Cue Card Latest Questions # Recent Book

In changing times, the number of people reading books has increased tremendously. We did shifted towards ebooks for a time but now we are back to the hard cover books, the ones that make us feel at home. So, this time we are going to a cue card that brings out the bibliophile in you.

Describe a book that you recently read. 

You should say :

  • what kind of book it is
  • what is it about
  • who do you think will enjoy it

also explain, why you liked it.

You are given one minute to prepare for the speech. In that one minute, the most important thing that you can do is take notes.


what kind of book it is?
based on real life situations. fiction novel.
name : gaban

what is it about?
a man who leaves his house when he is suspected of gaban or robbery from office.
deals with how his wife fights back to bring him back and help him get out of wrong deals done.
also talks of the ever changing life.

who do you think will enjoy it?

anyone who wants to know how life is in real.
how to deal with negative forces in life
how to stand up for the right

why you liked it?

it described well the ever changing nature of human
the importance of human relationship  portrayed well
importance of standing one’s ground in the changing world.


I do love reading books of all sorts and all languages. The most recent book that I read was a classic by Premchand, Gaban. It is a fiction novel which portrays the life of a man who in the fight for pretending someone in front of his wife lands up in trouble. The man is a middle income earning person but boasts off his wealth in front of his wife. Then he deals with all the problems that come with a higher income only with the less of amount of what he has. To deal with it, he once takes money from the office to pay off a debt and lands himself into gaban which means the act of stealing official money.

Once he realises it, he leaves the city he lives and finds solace in another place. Their living, hiding from everyone he is troubled because of his fears. It was then his wife who pays off the debts and come searching for him and shows him the right path. The novel strikes a chord in the life of people because it shows how if you do right, everything gets correct accordingly. Also, it talks about the changing relationships and people. So, I think anyone who wants to understand the difference between right and wrong or how to make sure you are doing the right thing, who definitely enjoy it. Understanding life is made so much simpler by Premchand.

Gaban is truly a classic and helped me understand the importance of being who you are in life.




judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind.


literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people.

boasts off

When you boast you are bragging about yourself and your accomplishments (or maybe those of your family), often to the boredom and annoyance of your audience.


comfort or consolation in a time of great distress or sadness


Cue Card # Popular Teacher

IELTS Cue Card # Popular Teacher

Describe a popular teacher that you know.
You should say:

  • what this teacher looks like
  • what sort of person this teacher is
  • what this teacher helped you to learn
  • And explain why this teacher is popular
Sample Answer:

I will be talking about my Teacher Mr. Sahay. He used to be my tuition teacher (8th year) for mathematics and science.

He was an elderly man in his late 60s, retired engineer, who had most of his life in South Africa. He was a true gentle man, well mannered, highly educated, who was full of both bookish knowledge and knowledge gained first hand, from personal experiences. Apart from helping me with solving math’s and science problems. He helped me with life skills, exposed to me Sydney Sheldon, Dean Koontz, Agatha Christie and how to be chivalrous.

He used to be really good with the taught subjects. His classes were quite interactive and fun filled. He always had a practical approach towards everything in life. I believe, he was the most popular human being and a teacher. I sometimes wish, I could meet him again and be his student. (149 words)



IELTS Part 3 Speaking Questions # Study Room

Last time we talked about study room in the cue card section. Well, those of you who are preparing for IELTS must know that the third section of the speaking part is actually an extension of the cue card. So, the third part will ask you detailed questions about the cue card. This time we are looking at the questions asked in the third section related to the study room.

How does a study room helps a student?

Study room is surely one of the most important places for a growing child. I believe the better the study room is more are the chances for an individual to succeed. However, just like every individual is unique, in my opinion, the study room for every child must be different. So, if the student loves basketball, there should definitely be a section for basketball dedicated in the room. It could possibly be books on basketball or some posters of great basket ball players. A study room must always allow the individual to grow in all aspects of life. Not having a study room makes the education quite haphazard because the brain does not relate to a particular place for its work.

Do you like to study? What kinds of books do you read?

I do like studying but I prefer reading novels rather than academic books. I love reading autobiographies of great men and women. Also, I like to read about books on Indian culture. I really wish to the Indian culture to its core and be able to represent it to the world from my eye. Apart from novels, I really love reading the travel magazines. These books always have something exciting to offer.

Which do you prefer: reading or travelling? Why?

I do love reading and travelling both, but out of the two, I would say I prefer travelling more. Travelling helps an individual to grow more than reading ever does. Because, when you are reading you are reading the experiences of other individuals but when travelling one is making their own experiences and memories. One’s life I believe should be defined more by their own memories rather than living on what life could have been. Having said that, sometimes to bring the peace in my life back or to understand things better I do read, but travelling always remains the priority.