Importance Of Exercise # Cue Card

Cue Card – Speaking part-2


  • What kind of exercise do you do?
  • When do you exercise?
  • How do you feel after exercise?

I believe that no one in this world can deny the importance of exercise, whether it is yoga or cycling or jogging. I think that people who do daily exercise tend to live a healthier life.

Exercising is very important for me. I make it a point that I am able to do it on regular basis. I usually do cycling in the morning for an hour, although I sometimes even prefer jogging. There are even days when it is raining and in those days I mostly do yoga. The point is I make sure that I am doing some or the other form of exercise daily in the morning.

Sometimes it become quite tough for me to do exercise in the morning. In those days, I usually take a stroll in the evening in a nearby park.

Exercising always helps to begin the day on a fresh note. I feel as if the entire day gets perfectly scheduled if I exercise. I am a writer and for most of the times I am sitting and typing. Exercising helps me to give my body the required time and also often I get great ideas during exercise. It seems as if it just provides me the right adrenaline rush. And I think that every individual must exercise daily.


IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Life Expectancy

Life Expectancy

We are living in a world that is improving in seconds. Every moment their is a new invention happening, a new disease getting cured. With so much of advancement some people believe that we will easily breach the 90 year limit for life. This time we are listening to a BBC 6 minute English that talks about life expectancy. You can download the audio from –

Listen to the audio below and answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS –

  1. What does the expression “dead on your feet” mean?
  2. Which phrase reflects the beliefs of an organisation or a person?
  3. What phrase refers to the years a person is likely to live?
  4. What will be USA life expectancy by 2030?
  5. Who according to the world health organisation will be the country with highest longevity?
  6. Which word has the same meaning as being fair and impartial?
  7. Which western country has the lowest obesity rates?
  8. What word is used to refer to the fact that you have been consuming lot of alcohol in short time?
  1. extremely tired
  2. motto
  3. life expectancy
  4. the bottom third
  5. Korea
  6. equitable
  7. France
  8. Binging