IELTS Practice Reading # Winters

The following passage has been taken from THE TIME magazine.


In 2016, the first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere is Wednesday. The season will begin at 10:44 UTC or 5:44 a.m. Eastern Time.

That means Wednesday is the day with the fewest hours and minutes of sunlight for the whole year, also known as the winter solstice. The word “solstice,” which means the sun has stopped moving, comes from the Latin solstitium, “from sol meaning ‘sun’ and ‘stit-‘ meaning ‘stopped, stationary’ from the verb sistere” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

But the idea of the first day of winter is more complicated than you may think.

The reason Earth has seasons is because the planet is tilted, which causes the impact of the light from the sun to change throughout the year for different regions. Astronomical seasons are based on the sun’s position relative to the tilted Earth, and the winter solstice on Wednesday is a key part of that astronomical cycle.

“Think of the sun as traveling between what is called the winter solstice and summer solstice,” explains Ken Heideman, the Director of Publications at the American Meteorological Society. “The sun keeps moving northward until [on or around] June 21, when the sun’s rays are directly over the Tropic of Cancer. That’s astronomical summer. That’s as high in the sky as the sun is going to get for us. Then it starts moving towards the equator, and when it reaches the equator, that’s the autumnal equinox. Then it keeps going south until the sun is directly over the Tropic of Capricorn, as far south as it’s going to go and as far away from us as its going to be. That’s winter time.”

However, for meteorologists and climatologists, winter already began. By their count, it started on Dec. 1, 2016, in the Northern Hemisphere.

‘The alignment of the Earth’s axis doesn’t line up with traditional weather, or the common-sense idea of weather,” as James R. Fleming, a professor at Colby College in Waterville, Maine, who specializes in the history of geophysical science and meteorology, puts it. That’s because weather data is usually based on monthly temperatures. Since December, January, and February typically have the coldest temperatures on average in the Northern Hemisphere, these scientists consider that three-month period the winter season.

The winter solstice is also not to be confused with the coldest day of the year. There is about a one month lag (27.5 days to be exact) between the winter solstice and the day predicted to be the coldest the year, because it takes a while for the land to cool down, according to Greg Hammer, a meteorologist at NOAA’s National Centers for Environmental Information. “It’s like putting a pot of water on the stove,” says Kevin Trenberth, a senior scientist in the Climate Analysis Section at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, who calculates that the coldest day of winter 2016-2017 in the U.S. is expected to be around January 15th or 16th.

“A lot of warmth has been accumulating over July, August, September, October and November leading up to the winter solstice, so the really cold air hasn’t set in right [at the solstice],” Heideman explains. “It’s really the beginning of it.”

So when did humans start tracking winter and the winter solstice?

The answer is lost in prehistory. As TIME has previously reported, ancient monuments are the only clue as to when humans started tracking solstices. “An ancient person in Africa, England or North America, might have sat cold and shivering in a certain point where they had natural mountains or boundaries, and looked off in the horizon waiting for sunrise,” says astronomer Mary Kay Hemenway, formerly of the University of Texas at Austin. “You do this for a long time, and you’ll be aware of which stars you see in the sky and anticipate where the sun is going to be each day. What they were doing is making a calendar. The solstice is the origin of having a calendar system.”

Real comprehension of the solstices and the astronomical seasons came later, after the heliocentric model of the solar system was introduced by Copernicus in 1543, adds Volker Bromm, professor of astronomy at the University of Texas at Austin.

Who defined meteorological winter may also not be totally clear either, but it may have been devised at some point during the early-to-mid 20th century when climatology became more quantitative, according to Fleming. He argues that “the need for the statisticians to generate seasonal averages” may date back to prominent Austrian meteorologist Julius von Hann, who, in 1897, stated that climate is sum of the average weather conditions.

But, whether or not people understood the reasons why winter had come, its beginning has long been noticed. Many cultures had feast days around the date of the winter solstice—including Christmas and Hanukkah. As Fleming puts it, many consider the winter solstice “a moment for celebration because from that point on, the days keep getting longer until we get back to summer.”

complicatedconsisting of many interconnecting parts or elements; intricate.
seasonseach of the four divisions of the year (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) marked by particular weather patterns and daylight hours, resulting from the earth's changing position with regard to the sun.
tiltedmove or cause to move into a sloping position
regionsan area, especially part of a country or the world having definable characteristics but not always fixed boundaries.
Astronomicalrelating to astronomy.
relativeconsidered in relation or in proportion to something else.
equatora line notionally drawn on the earth equidistant from the poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemispheres and constituting the parallel of latitude 0°.
equinoxthe time or date (twice each year) at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are of equal length (about 22 September and 20 March).
meteorologistsan expert in or student of meteorology
climatologistsThe scientific study of climates, including the causes and long-term effects of variation in regional and global climates. Climatology also studies how climate changes over time and is affected by human actions.
alignmentarrangement in a straight line or in correct relative positions
Atmosphericrelating to the atmosphere of the earth.
researchthe systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
warmththe quality, state, or sensation of being warm; moderate heat.
accumulatinggather together or acquire an increasing number or quantity of.
trackingthe maintenance of a constant difference in frequency between two or more connected circuits or components.
prehistorythe period of time before written records.
monumentsa statue, building, or other structure erected to commemorate a notable person or event.
anticipateregard as probable; expect or predict
comprehensionthe ability to understand something.
heliocentrichaving or representing the sun as the centre, as in the accepted astronomical model of the solar system.
devisedplan or invent (a complex procedure, system, or mechanism) by careful thought.
quantitiverelating to, measuring, or measured by the quantity of something rather than its quality.
statisticiansan expert in the preparation and analysis of statistics.
culturesthe arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively

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IELTS Listening Sample Questions # Egyptian Queen

Cleopatra?? This is the name most of us have heard but who is she? Yes, we do know that she was an Egyptian queen but what else. This time we are going to listen to a BBC 6 minute English audio about Cleopatra.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. Who is regarded as the most famous female ruler in history?
  2. Which word means the same as noticeable?
  3. The speaker uses which synonym for main qualities?
  4. What word does the speaker uses for clever?
  5. Which word is used to refer to brother or sister?
  6. What word describes a person without pity?
  7. Which country did Cleopatra belong to?
  8. What is the strong power to attract people called?
  9. What word does the speaker uses to tell that one places too small a value on something?
  10. Which word does the speaker uses for something that is carefully planned?
  11. Which dynasty was Cleopatra part of?


  1. Cleopatra
  2. prominent
  3. attributes
  4. wily
  5. sibling
  6. pity
  7. Macedonia
  8. charisma
  9. underrate
  10. calculated
  11. Ptolemaic dynasty


IELTS Speaking Part 3 Sample Questions # New Year

It has been 16 years since the new century has begun and we have embarked on a journey for new year. This time let has have a look at some questions that could be asked in PART 3 of IELTS Speaking. Remember, this is the section when you need to explain your answers and not just give one liners.

How do most people celebrate New Year in your country?

According to the Hindus, the new year is on the first day of Chaitra i.e. the month of April. People visit temples, greet each other and pray for a healthy, wealthy and prosperous life. Above all, seeking blessing from religious places on this day holds an additional significance. But, with the globalization, most people celebrate the new year on 1 January i.e. according to Gregorian calendar. On this day, many people go out with family and friends to parties, dance and enjoy.

New Year

Do you believe New Year is a day to be celebrated?

New year is a surely a day to celebrate, an occasion when one could give themselves another chance. Although, this can happen on any other day, but a new year surely brings with it new hopes. However, in my opinion, there can be many ways in which people could celebrate their new year, not necessarily with friends and family. I believe, if one things that they like to celebrate the new year while working it is as perfect as someone choosing to party.

Do you take resolutions in New Year? How many of them do you follow?

Yes I do believe in resolutions and take them. As young I used to take resolutions that were not that meaningful or above the board. Leaving me frustrated on not having completed them. However, with time, I have realized that it is more about taking practical resolutions. For me, they are the goals that I set for myself in a year and I do stick with them through thick and thin.

Is there anything you would like to carry from the last year to the new one?

Well, surely there are lot of things that I wish remain same this year as well. It was last year that I made a truly good nice friend. He has been my first male friend and I wish to have him by my side for many more years to come. Then, there is a goal that I have set for myself last year. I wish to carry forward it this year as well and do nice work. Even more, I have realized that I have become much more positive and wise over the last year. I wish I am even more wiser and positive about life this year.

What is your opinion on having to work on New Year’s Day?

I believe New year means new beginning and it is more of about letting go of the earlier bad habits and carry the good ones. So, having to work is not an issue for me and I believe if one has to there should not be much of problem. However, it is also a good idea to take a leave from work during the end of the year till New year actually begins. After all, it is a festive season, one can celebrate a good time with their family and friends.


IELTS Cue Card Sample Question # New Year Celebrations

With every ending comes a new beginning. New year is the time when people try to forget their old ways, make resolutions to become better individuals. It is also the time when people party and often loose control. Apart from them, there are still so many people who do not understand the concept of New year, that there is always hope in life. This time we are looking at sample questions that could be asked in IELTS Cue card section related to the new year celebrations.

Describe a new year celebration that you still remember. You should say :

  • with whom did you celebrate?
  • what did you do in the party?
  • why is it so special for you?

Also, explain the importance of new year parties in your life?


I am 23 now and consciously attended around 12 parties. But, I think the one party that I remember and cherish the most is the one we had in our first year of graduation. I had cleared a competitive exam and during the new year our exams were going on. So, no question of going home. We all were feeling a little low, but at around 11 in the night, we heard music. All of the students in our hostel wing, came out only to find that our Warden had organized a DJ and stuff to eat. He asked us all to join us. Overwhelmed by his gesture, we all went down and danced the whole night.

I remember dancing with around 400 people at songs I had never heard, the languages that I don’t understand but it was pure fun. We all became good friends after that and had a blast for the next four years of our graduation. I think the one reason I cherish it the most is because it brought with it lot of new things for me. I met new people, did things I never did. Like, dancing like a serpent and then like a girl. We were purely enjoying. There was no senior or junior, just bunch of people living the moment.

Although, party animal, is not the word that I would choose for myself. But, yes I do party on New year. For me, it is the time when I meet all the people I know, the ones I care for. Most probably, go out travelling with them. I believe, life is busy and we should just grab every occasion that we get to enjoy.



New year celebrations have never been very exciting for me but I remember the 2016 New year. It was the best new year I had till date and assume it to be the best till date.

It was during the end of 2015 that there were lot of personal and professional issues I was struggling with. For some reasons, I started feeling as if this is how life is going to be for a longer run now. Sitting on my couch when everyone else was partying I remember crying and feeling really bad.

At around 11:30, a really good friend of mine, I recently had a fight with dropped by me. She had been my school friend and we had shared lot of things together. Fighting with her did have an impact on me. She had beer with her, scooty keys and we just left the home together.

When the entire world was partying outside, I remember feeling the air and then reaching our school terrace and drinking beer. We revived our memories together, things that we had done and how life had just changed in some years. How quickly we had grown up. There was nothing particular but having that kind of talk, actually rejuvenated me. It made things so much more easier for me. Since that year, every year we meet at our school terrace for a bottle of beer and lot of memories together.

I think New year parties are a good way of celebrating and everyone should celebrated New year but I believe everyone should enjoy in the way that best suits them.


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