Importance Of Time # IELTS Speaking


Time is valuable and if you want to achieve something, you need to take care of it. So, today, let us have a look at some of the possible questions and answers related to importance of time.

Are you good at managing time?

I am not one of those who make a plan and work accordingly, setting the time and all. But for me, I decide the amount of work that needs to be done on particular day, without any particular order, and work accordingly. So, if you say managing time, I am average in it, because something things go here and there, but either ways, I make sure that the last product is good.

How do you manage your time?

Well, I manage my time by not thinking about time. I focus on the amount of work done and more importantly on its quality. For some reasons, the time gets managed accordingly. Focusing on what needs to be done at this point of time, helps a lot. To keep a note of the work, I maintain a diary that is almost next to me when I am on work.

When is it most important for you to manage time?

Always. It is not just about work or family, it is about life. So, one cannot be like give the entire time to work and also the vice versa. One has to juggle between the two and make sure that I am giving enough time to both. Also, there are priorities in both, so for me I need to take into consideration, both aspects of my life.