IELTS Listening Sample Question # Monkey

IELTS Listening Sample Question Monkey

The audio has been taken from 6 minutes English, by BBC.

Answer the following questions in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

  1. What are humans descendant from?
  2. What is group of animals, of which apes and monkeys are part of, called?
  3. Which organ differentiates between apes and monkey?
  4. What is the word for the situation when one barely manages to escape a difficult situation?
  5. What word is used for a loud, unpleasant sound?
  6. What are small apes called?
  7. How far can the gibbons voice travel?
  8. What kind of songs do gibbons sing?
  9. What is the word used for the different kinds of calling for different purposes?
  10. What is the gradual process of change called?


  1. apes
  2. primates
  3. tails
  4. close shave
  5. screech
  6. gibbons
  7. 1 km
  8. duets
  9. context specific calling
  10. evolution


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IELTS Essay Sample Answer # Change

You should spend 40 minutes on this task.

Some people prefer doing the same things through out their lives and avoid changes. Others believe that change is always a good thing.

Discuss both sides and give your opinion.

Write at least 250 words.


Most people struggle with change even if it is for the better. Some people are of the opinion that changes always bring positive impact on our lives while others are of the opinion that changes involve high risk and taking them can even make us fall from the place we are at. In my opinion, not all the changes are successful but we learn from the failures too. It’s a great opportunity for those who would embrace the changes and a tough time for those who don’t.

If embraced rightly, changes are very helpful. Firstly, they make a person more flexible. Changes are an integral part of our lives. Being stubborn or resistant to new things make life more stressful. Changes teach that it is good to be like fluid and go with the flow. The next best thing about change is that it makes us smarter. It is only when things change that we learn new things. For instance, it was after the creation of android phones that people started using phones excessively for playing games or doing internet.

On the other hand, changes are not always good. For instance, if a child good in studies and sports changes himself or herself to be more like a terrorist, it is not the best thing happening. Even more, frequent changes are not acceptable by old. Old people are mostly the ones who have undergone many changes through out their lives and now tend to live a more steady life doing things that they life.

Overall, changes do bring instability in ones life, which might not be good for some. However, changes if taken with positive stride mostly either teach a lesson or push us towards something better.